Lilead Fellows Mary Keeling and Kathryn Lewis Nominated for AASL Presidency

Mary Keeling, Supervisor of Library Media Services in Newport News, VA, and Kathryn Lewis, Director of Media Services and Instructional Technology for Norman Public Schools, have been nominated for the 2018-2019 AASL presidency. They are joined by a third nominee, Robert Hilliker. Hilliker is the director of the Edsel Ford Memorial Library at the Hotchkiss School in Lakeville, Connecticut and current representative for the Independent School Section on the AASL Board of Directors.

Mary KeelingMary Keeling has served as president of her state school library association, chair of the AASL Supervisors Section, and on several AASL committees. She currently serves as chair of the AASL standards and guidelines implementation task force. Said Keeling of her nomination, “I am so honored to stand as a candidate for President-Elect of AASL alongside my colleagues, Kathryn Lewis and Rob Hilliker. This is a significant time to lead school librarians because the Every Student Succeeds Act promises to make new opportunities possible even as AASL prepares to release revised professional standards.”

kathryn-lewisKathryn Lewis is a member of the AASL Standards and Guidelines Editorial Board as well
as Past Chair of the Supervisors Section of AASL. She was also co-writer of the AASL/Achieve document,
Implementing the Common Core State Standards: The Role of The School Librarian Action Brief. She currently serves on the AASL Board of Directors as the regional director for region 6. Lewis responded to her nomination: “It is an honor and privilege to be a candidate for President-Elect of AASL. School librarians are remarkable educators serving as teachers, collaborators, innovators, leaders, technologists, and information professionals who empower learners to explore ideas, craft compelling questions, find information, inquire, tinker, invent, create new knowledge, think deeply, and read voraciously.  If elected, I will champion and support school librarians through my leadership, by engaging our members to work together to realize the goals of AASL’s strategic plan.”

For the full ALA story and directions on how to vote, please click here:

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